Fort Island Trail Park

by Larry Whitler
Original - Sold
24.000 x 18.000 x 0.750 inches
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Fort Island Trail Park
Larry Whitler
Painting - Oil On Canvas
This is the thirteenth plein air painting in the series of pieces I am doing in partnership with Robin MacBlane. This was created at Fort Island Trail Park in Crystal River, Florida. Although this is the thirteenth painting this was done on the fourteenth outing. Last week we traveled to St. Augustine with the intention of painting a landscape that included the St. Augustine lighthouse but it was difficult to find a place where we could see the lighthouse in the distance, AND be in the shade, AND have permission to have my dog, Hu, with us. So it was a nice visit to St. Augustine but no painting was accomplished. Today's outing, to Crystal River and Fort Island Trail Park was chosen because my Mom was in the hospital in Crystal River and so Robin and I utilized my Mom's nap time to squeeze in another plein air painting.
August 20th, 2011
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