Snow In The Park

by Larry Whitler
Snow In The Park
Larry Whitler
Digital Art - Digital Dry Brush
Snow in New York City's Central Park is always a beautiful thing. While the streets of the city seem to become a mess of melted, slushy, dirty snow a few hours after the Winter Wonderland effect fades away, the parks in the city, especially Central Park, maintain the beauty and the magic of freshly fallen snow. The park becomes new even to the most seasoned New Yorkers. They flock to the park wearing their warmest winter clothes. The remark on seeing their breath in the air as they speak. They seem at peace. They seem enchanted. Snow in Central Park is always a special moment. I painted this after a recent snowfall in New York City. The painting was created using the Procreate app with the dry brush.
January 18th, 2024